Monday, April 28, 2008
Invitation to Presentation by SMK Batu Kawa 80425
There will be three speakers: Allen Liew, Andrew Tan and CM Tan. The seminar will focus on the benefits and importance of using environmental friendly technologies and renewable energy to save the earth.
Apart from slides presentations and talks, there will be a demo on the cookers to cook food. Preparation on the demo will start at 12:00noon. Below is the letter (in Bahasa Malaysia) of invitation from the school.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Solar Cookers Feature Part B- See Hua Daily 21 April 08
能源 Vs 研發(上)
根據一項世界性能源統計資料顯示,在技術與成本的限制下,預估世界石油蘊藏量只可再開採40年,天然氣可開採62年,煤炭可開採227年,而核能發電的燃料源自鈾礦,預估尚可開採77年,惟考慮用過之核燃料回收再處理後重複運用,則其使用年數可增加50倍, 約可達3800多年。從此權威性報告中顯示,全世界依賴最深的主要能源-石油及天然氣,在21世紀的前半,就將日趨枯竭。
1970 年代,世界連續掀起兩次能源危機,造成全球性的經濟衰退,西方世界甚至出現所謂“失落的十年”階段,對人類發展產生重大的衝擊與變化。其中最明顯的,就是節約能源概念在生活中落實,能源教育的工作也在此時全球性、大規模的開展。
最難能可貴的發現是,在炎熱的天氣下,太陽能烤爐烹煮的速度,大可比美傳統電或煤氣爐。由於太陽烤爐是採用放射性的方法來增溫, 因此,太陽爐煮熟的食物口感特別好, 更保留食物的原汁原味和營養。更況太陽烤爐煮食更不必擔心食物燒焦。
根據劉天河表示,太陽烤爐研發,它並不是一種能源消耗品,而是一項環保工具。因為它吸納太陽的光能, 經過反射及保溫的程序把光能變成熱能,供烹煮烘烤之用。
“其實,太陽能烤爐概念始源於美國, 且在中國、印度及非洲獲得迅速發展。在東南亞, 太陽烤爐在印度支那國家,如越南和柬埔寨等國家開始普遍使用,並于2005年由德國的非政府組織帶至鄰國印尼的亞齊進行試驗使用皆段。”
“太陽爐是利用太陽的原始能量來煮食,因此, 替換損失不但非常低,而效力卻非常高。”
在鄉區電供計劃下,政府必須花費龐大的基本設施建設,例如將交流電電纜伸延至偏遠的鄉區, 以便為鄉區居民提供電流,解決他們的照明需要。然而,,甚少鄉區居民甚少使用電能的炊具來烹煮,因為這不但是因為電流配額有限,不足於讓他們利用電能炊具,充作烹煮之用,與此同時,高昂的電費也非一般家庭所能負擔得起的。
Solar Cookers Feature Part A- See Hua Daily 19 April 08
能源 Vs 研發(下)
劉天河也宣稱,太陽爐也在中東地區及印度被普遍使用。此外 ,我們的鄰國如越南及印尼,都是這些太陽爐的使用者。在越南,通過Solarserver組織,已興建了一座工廠來制造太陽爐,並將以成本價來分配予鄉村的貧窮村民。
為了方便鑒定及說明,所有太陽爐都稱為“SIAP”,即太陽能作用儀板(Solar In Action Panel)。這些太陽爐可在晴朗天氣時,達到攝氏120度的溫度。
Friday, April 18, 2008
Borneo Post 13 April 2008- Harnessing Solar Power for Cooking
Electrical and telecommunications engineer Allen Liew says solar cookers work almost or just as fast as conventional gas or electrical stoves,depending on weather conditions. Over the years, he and his friends have been showing keen interests in “solar” cooking — a technology utilising the “native form of energy” from the sun and has been broadly favoured in several countries following heightened environmental awareness and acute scarcity of cooking fuel.
Last year, at long last, he came up with a few models. “Solar cookers work by harnessing energy from the sun in the form of light diverted to and trapped in a targetted spot to heat food,” he told
thesundaypost. According to him, solar thermal principles are used in making solar cookers — the solar energy is trapped to heat utensils and cook the food inside.
He explains that on reaching the Earth, solar radiation produces about one kilowatt per metre square … which is why a laboratory magnifying glass is able to generate enough solar energy to set a piece of paper on fire. “Solar rays may be collected by a funnel or a parabolic or a sheet of slender plate collector. The collector may be made of cardboard or plywood coated with a tinted reflec-tive sheet such as kitchen aluminum foil. Polished metal sheets or mirrors can also be used.”
Liew says solar energy is directed to the target by adjusting the angle of the reflector, adding that in Sarawak, situated almost right at the Equator, reflectors are not necessary. “Solar heat must be trapped. This is most effectively done by using a black object or a blackened surface. It’s equally important to provide an air insulator outside the cooking utensil to prevent the loss of heat.”
The Americans and North Africans are active promoters of solar cookers and major beneficiaries of this technology, he adds. Solar cookers are also widely used in the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent while Vietnam and Indonesia have also adopted the technology, he reveals.
“There are little conversion losses against solar electricity and solar cooking can be very efficient. Solar power is used as a primary form of energy to heat the cooker and cook the food. “Furthermore, due to the nature of the heat in a solar cooker, food cooked in it tastes better and much nutrition can be retained,” he says, adding that the cooker can be left unattended because it will not burn.
He believes solar cookers can be significant labour-saving devices for interior Sarawak since they dispense with the time-consuming need to collect firewood from the jungle or transporting fuel from urban centres. Although there is the rural electrification scheme (RES) connecting grid electrical power to the rural resettlements, he notes that the people there do not use electricity to cook.
He reckons the electricity capacity in these settlements, allocated mainly for lighting, is not sufficient to fire up electric ovens or cookers. He also points out it is more expensive for RES participants to cook with electric cookers because they use a lot of power. “The high electricity bill can be a financial burden to the rural folks with low spending power. Thus, solar cookers can be a solution.”
Liew says solar cookers may be classified into three types — box cookers, panel cookers and parabolic cookers — with their own strengths and weaknesses. Box cookers — the simplest version — can be made with two cardboard boxes of different size. The smaller box should be put inside the bigger one to form a double insulated chamber.
“The inside of the cooker is lined with a reflective sheet like a kitchen aluminum foil to act as a reflector, and topped with a piece of double-glazed glass to allow the diffusion of sunlight but prevent the heat from escaping.” Liew adds that box cookers, which cannot generate enough heat, do not produce good results despite being the most used in the US. On the other hand, panel cookers or funnel cookers, though bigger and more complicated to construct, can have one or more reflectors and they appear to be the best performer of the lot.
According to Liew, funnel cookers consist of a cooker chamber made of plywood or cardboard, and the inner chamber wall is also lined with a reflective sheet. “Solar cookers are so designed that they can heat up immediately when the sky is clear. Funnel cookers work well because their heating chambers work in the same way as the steaming and boiling methods used in conventional stoves.”
He says parabolic cookers which focus solar energy onto a particular area, can produce intense heat to the cooking surface, thus making it possible to fry food and bake confectionery However, the reflectors can be rather glaring and one must avoid using this type of cooker without effective eye protection, he cautions. For identification, he adds, these cookers are named Solar In Actions Panel (SIAP) and they can heat up to about 120 degrees on sunny days. He discloses it takes around one hour to boil four eggs and 40 minutes to steam two eggs using these cookers.
“Solar cookers can also be used to bake cakes. In an experiment, an eight by two inch cake took about an hour to bake. These cookers can also be used to prepare many other Asian cuisine.”
About RM300 each, the solar cookers will cost less when produced in reasonable quantity, Liew says. “Solar cookers do not incur any running costs and there are no consumable parts. They also require low maintenance and spare parts are available locally.” Apart from cooking, solar cookers can be used to warm up food as they will not burn the food inside.
“For example, farmers can place a solar cooker in their hut near the paddy field … just leave it there to keep the food warm. “Also, solar cookers can work as a pasteuriser to make water safe for consumption,” he suggests. Pasteurisation is a process in which harmful micro organisms are destroyed without major chang es to the water chemistry. Alternatively, they can be used in disaster relief operations when basic amenities might be cut off or resources and cooking fuel could be scarce. In the US, he says, the people use their solar cookers for three to four hours during summer.
“In Sarawak, the weather is quite unpredictable and may reduce energy storage. I don’t claim my solar cookers to be established products yet — they are still prototypes.” Asked whether he will patent his solar cookers, he says: “I don’t think I can and I don’t intend to. There may be too many red tapes involved.”
Liew reveals an elected representative has shown keen interest in his cookers and requested him to build a prototype for testing. “I’m still working on it and hoping the government, through this YB, can provide funding for studies so that we can come up with a proper product.” He also suggests higher learning institutions such as Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) play a bigger role in research and development by contributing ideas. “I read in the papers that Unimas students have done something similar. If the government can assist with funding, we will work on it and report back to the government.”
Liew says completed prototypes — at least 30 to 50 units — can be used in pilot projects in the remote areas and the data collected can be used to make the final product.
Article printed from The Borneo Post Online:
URL to article:
Saturday, April 5, 2008
SIAPv5.3.1 Experiment on 5 April 2008
Today, Solar Cooker SIAPv5.3.1 was tested by boiling 4 chicken eggs. Starting at 10:30 am, SIAPv5.3.1 was put in place, on top of a rack with the 4 reflectors opened into position. The eggs were placed inside the blacken pot on top of a thin tissue paper cushion, which in turn was placed inside the cooker chamber of SIAPv5.3.1. It was determined to boil the eggs without water!
The whether was bright and clear, a perfect whether for solar cooking. Though there was a couple of minute when the cloud has overcastted, it did not affect the overall cooking process. The highest temperature registered by the two thermometer, one was spirit-tube type while the other was barometric type, was consistent ie 125 deg C.
By about 1:00pm, the cooker was opened and the eggs were inspected. It was found that the 4 chicken eggs were well cooked. The eggs were opened and later consumed. Pictures were taken for record and future reference.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Ir. Liew, Than Ho Allen
PEng, MIEM, MEng, BSc.
Kuching, Sarawak 93250, Malaysia
Solar cooking is a method of cooking using the energy from the sun directly. It works by collecting the energy from the sun in the form of light, divert it to the spot of interest and trap it to heat the food. There are many advantages in solar cooking; amongst them are low upfront investment, not running cost, little maintenance and best of all, environmentally friendly.
Solar cooking is widely practiced in many places around the globe, both the developed and underdeveloped countries. In developed countries, they are used mainly due to environmental consciousness; while in the under developed countries they are used due to the acute needs against the scarcity of cooking fuel. In interior Sarawak, where the transportation cost of fuel is high, solar cooking can be one or the only solution.
The results of my experiments carried out in Kuching recently proof that solar cooking is not only possible, indeed very encouraging. In sunny days, my solar cooker could cook food almost just as fast as conventional gas or electrical stoves. Further, due to the nature of radiated heat in a solar cooker, food cooked in a solar cooker taste better and much nutrient can be retained. In addition, cooking food in a solar cooker can be unattended, as it will not burn.
It is my hope that the relevant ministries, departments and organizations could support and emphasize researches into solar cooking in the State. Further researches are required to ensure best adoption and adaptation of solar cookers for the State, so that it could benefits the people as well as play our part in conserving the earth.